Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Well, let's start by saying that Belize hasn't left me yet! I came home last week with hives on my feet - an allergic reaction to some bug bites I think. I went to the doctor and got some ointment which helped with the itching, but now I have developed this huge swollen thing on the bottom of my foot that is starting to throb. Oh fun. More seriously though, just this morning i was missing hearing the Belmopan Rotaractors talk in Creole!

I think our trip was very successful, especially considering that this was the first such trip that Rotaract had organized, and that we did so fairly independently. I think we all did a great job of stepping up to the challenge of developing presentations in a relatively short time frame. My favourite part of the trip AIDS outreach-wise (though it's really hard to pick a favourite) was the Teacher's Workshop. I think we did a terrific job of developing that workshop and presenting it. I was really impressed with how smoothly everything flowed from one section to the next. I think for next time, doing the role plays earlier during the workshop might help to get the participants more involved.

I also really liked the AIDS fair that we did in the marketplace, because we reached out to a population that was very little informed about AIDS. I think we should find a way to organize some follow-up work with this group, becuase while we gave them lots of brochures and information, I wonder how likely they are to read it. As we were handing out the information I imagined myself in their position and figured I wouldn't read this information on this disease that I had only just heard about. I would probably feel very unclear about the disease and also feel that "it won't affect me."

Oh - this is a slight digression, but I was reading an article yesterday about some new disease that infects the bloodstream and eventually leads to death. The disease can be contracted through mosquitos and other insects, and some other ways (I didn't quite understand those - it was very technical). But it can also be passed on through blood to blood contact, much like AIDS.

Ok, I actually made that "disease" up to illustrate my point. When you read about it, did you think, "this could affect me? Maybe I should read up more on this disease?" Probably not. I think it takes repeated information to make a person understand the severity of a disease like AIDS. Moreover, I imagine that some of the people we spoke to at the fair probably weren't literate. So just handing out information isn't enough, as that is making two assumptions: (1) that the recipient can read it and (2) that the recipient actually does read it. Don't get me wrong - I still think what we did in the fair was very valuable, but I also want to highlight that there's more that we can - and should - do with this population in particular.

On a different note, I was surprised by how much the school children already knew about AIDS. I think our technique of going into each classroom and asking the children what they thought of when they heard "AIDS" was a very good way to gauge their knowledge and adapt our presentation to what they already knew. It also engaged the students and forced us to be flexible. I really enjoyed how Tom and Jon in particular used little anecdotes and scenarios to engage the kids and make them relate to some of the bigger concepts of AIDS (eg. responsibility for one's actions) at their own level. That is one of the great things about volunteering as a group - everyone has different strengths and assets that they are able to offer.

One way in which I hope we changed Belize is by reducing the stigma around AIDS. I think the country has been doing that on a regional / national level - I was impressed by the number of AIDS awareness posters/murlas I saw on the highway, in schools, in the marketplace. I think we may have helped reduce stigma on a more personal level. Whether it was asking the school children whether they could tell by looking at us if any of us had AIDS, combined with Lisa speaking, or Adam's moving speech about treating all with respect (I don't know if you noticed but some of the kids clapped specifically after Adam's part), or painting alongside the HIV-afflicted family - I think these all had an impact on reducing stigma.

Switching gears a little bit, I want to talk a little bit about the local Belizeans. At the Rotaract meeting on our first night, I was absolutely blown away by the passion that these people had for addressing the issues in their country . Caribbean and other island countries are often stereotyped as "laidback," yet I think very few people think of these countries in terms of what we saw that night. The conviction that people like Shelly, Dave, Buca man (I never learnt his name!) had to better their country was incredible - I have honestly never witnessed anything like it.

And then there's Mike, who is one of my heroes. I don't know if many of you had a chance to talk to Mike, but I did and I learnt a lot about him. First of all, he went to school at Madison, but chose to return to Belize. That alone should be admirable, given what we learnt about the number of Belizeans who migrate to and stay in the U.S. But did you also know that Mike comes from a family of 20 children and all of them - except him - stayed in the U.S.? And that though he's a doctor, sporting his Nautica polos, he actually works in free clinics and provides free medical treatment? (He gets funding/sponsors from the U.S. for his costs, salary etc.) He is such a selfless man, not only in giving up a job offer in the US to return to Belize, not only in providing free treatment, but also in giving up his time to run the Belmopan chapter of the National AIDS Commission (which, by the way, receives no funding from BNAC directly and has to raise its own funds).

Wow, this is long. Ok, I am going to save for another post a list of things I would have done differently if I were to do this trip over again.

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