Thursday, March 29, 2007

i miss belize :(

I love Belize. Let's start with the things I didn't enjoy because it'll take me all of two seconds to write them down. I did not enjoy my sunburn. I also hope that someday I wake up and I don't have Akon stuck in my head but that may not happen for a long time. Now onto good memories because they're so much more fun to talk about. Caving was probably my favorite thing. It was so different from anything I've ever done; the whole day was incredible. By the way, I love using semicolons properly in sentences because it makes me feel smart. Anyway, I also really enjoyed the scooter (sorry to everyone who isn't Eunjoo), actually seeing the stars in the sky (so pretty), painting (always fun), speaking Spanish in the market about HIV/AIDS (although I don't think the Spanish-speaking Belizeans enjoyed that half as much as I did), karaoke (especially the ice incident). The best part of the trip though was the group. I thought our group was amazing and the Belmopan Rotaract and our host families were so nice and welcoming. It was really fun for me to get to know everyone, especially because there were so many unique personalities in our group and the Belizeans we met.
I would say my low point was a short time the first day when I couldn't hear anything because my ears weren't ready to pop. That was the worst part of my trip. That's how you know it was an amazing trip. The high point would have to be the unveiling of the skeleton lady. It was a combination of creepy, exciting, and fascinating in that history way.
How I changed Belize is really difficult to know. I hope that something I said to someone in the market changed how they approach important decisions or how they think about HIV/AIDS. I hope that one of the girls we talked to in our groups started talking about HIV/AIDS or other issues with someone if she needed to. I hope that the family whose house we painted feels more accepted and happier in general knowing someone cares. I hope someone watched us on TV or listened to us on the radio or read our awesome sign and then responded to it by changing their actions or talking to someone they thought could use help. I hope all these great things happen, but how can I really know how I changed Belize.
How Belize changed me is also difficult. I feel like I have more confidence in almost all aspects of my life. I think I'm also better at expressing my thoughts more clearly. I guess in general I think I know myself better now and am more aware of what I'm doing or thinking. In a not-so-positive-change, Belize also caused my skin to physically change red and peel which first hurt and now itches so that's a party. But seriously, this experience has changed me in ways I see everyday and in ways other people point out to me that I hadn't realized.
In conclusion, I love Belize.

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